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Текст песни Н.Пьянова — Мое весеннее настроение, слова песни слова песни и перевод

Оригинальный Текст песни Н.Пьянова — Мое весеннее настроение, слова песни и перевод

There's nothing left for you to give
The truth is all that you're left with
Twenty places then at dawn
We will die and be reborn
I like to sleep beneath the trees
Have the universe at one with me
Look down the barrel of a gun
And feel the moon replace the sun
Everything we've ever stolen
Has been lost, returned or broken
No more dragons left to slay
Every mistake I've ever made
Has been rehashed and then replayed
As I got lost along the way

И перевод:
Тебе больше нечего отдать,
Правда – это все, что у тебя осталось.
Всюду побывав и многое увидев, на восходе солнца
Мы умрем и возродимся снова.
Я люблю спать под сенью деревьев
Наедине со Вселенной.
Я забываю о необходимости защищаться,
Глядя на то, как луна сменяет солнце.
Все, украденное нами,
Потерялось, вернулось или сломалось —
Больше не с кем воевать.
Каждая ошибка, совершенная мною,
Повторилась, но как-то иначе,
Пока я искал верный путь.

Original lyrics songs.Pianova is My spring mood, the lyrics and the translation

There’s nothing left for you to give
The truth is all that youre left with
Twenty places then at dawn
We will die and be reborn
I like to sleep beneath the trees
Have the universe at one with me
Look down the barrel of a gun
And feel the moon replace the sun
Everything we’ve ever stolen
Has been lost returned or broken
No more dragons left to slay
Every mistake I’ve ever made
Has been rehashed and then replayed
As I got lost along the way

And the translation:
You have nothing more to give,
The truth is all you have left.
Having been everywhere and much to see at sunrise
We die and are reborn again.
I like to sleep under the canopy of trees
One with the Universe.
I forget about the need to defend
Looking at how the moon follows the sun.
All stolen by the us
Lost, returned or broken —
No one else to fight.
Every error committed by me,
Repeated, but otherwise,
While I was looking for the right path.

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